Our solution? Offers our customers a way to keep the paint job they have on the home for as long as possible. But as a company you can't just come and maintain it for free either. Hmmm…., how can we meet in the middle of this issue?!? AND IT HIT ME!!! If we paint the exterior of the home and offer to come back once a year to look over the paint job and decide what portion needs a little maintenance. Is mildew setting in? Or cracks? Are small portions of paint lifting? And why is that happening? Well let's get it washed and touched up at a time and materials rate. And once a year we come back and look it over to see what condition we are in. Over the years the amount of money being saved will be thousands upon thousands on top of the paint continuing to look good year after year.

Proper maintenance of anything is essential for it to perform properly. It's no different for a paint job. Whether on a home or even a vehicle. If it is not maintained properly eventually it will fail.

While the interior is far less complicated and more easier to keep looking good for a very long time. Problems can still occur. So it is important to look it over. Especially on the exterior walls and trim on the inside of the home. What we see on the condition of that paint can let us know what condition that specific part of the exterior part of your home might be in if there are issues. The same goes for the ceilings of the home. So many times I have found problems in a home that have went unnoticed simply by looking at the interior paint. From roofs having issues, plumbing and HVAC. And they were able to be fixed before causing major issues.

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